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How AI and Chatbots are transforming Digital Marketing

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  • How AI and Chatbots are transforming Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing is dead. Since the last decade, the field of marketing has been transforming through various forms of technology, as targeting and positioning have become more accessible through the internet and the rising number of smartphones globally. There have been numerous data sets and data points that are helping marketers to get detailed insights into consumer behavior. The time has never been so favorable for Digital marketers. With more than a billion people using smartphones and another billion joining the bandwagon in the next five years, it requires personalized marketing efforts. There is so much noise in the market that your brand can easily be lost in the crowd. The answer to detailed personalization is artificial intelligence-driven chatbots. In the last decade, a single message campaign would be targeted all forms of audiences and geographical locations. However, such messages now act as spam and frustrate the users. The tons of data gathered by various channels are meant to utilize and understand the data points to personalize your digital marketing journey. It’s almost 2020, and artificial intelligence has started to enter our homes, impacting various aspects of life in the form of smart devices, watches, Google Home/Amazon Alexa, chatbots, self-driving cars, and more. AI has compelling use cases in the field of digital marketing to improve customer experiences and achieve higher ROI on your campaigns.

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly widespread because:

  1. It is precision focused, has immense levels of accuracy, few to no scope of errors, which leads to higher work efficiency.
  2. Can churn and compute millions of data sets together to accumulate valuable insights.
  3. It can utilize the capabilities of various devices and technology to use an accelerometer, GPS trackers, voice assistants, and more.
  4. With these capabilities, it has various use cases across multiple sectors like finance, banking, marketing, retail, advertising, manufacturing, medical, healthcare, commerce, and more.

Below we have compiled a list of use cases on how AI and bots are transforming digital marketing:

1. Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

NLU equips chatbots to understand commands without a formal systematic arrangement of computer languages. Computers respond to computer languages, and NLU humanizes the content and communication in which the computer responds in human language. NLU requires a massive amount of training, and with time, it starts to understand the consumer intent, and purpose and starts to interpret meaning. Various chatbots like Facebook messenger and Telegram are using NLU to communicate with their users in a specialized manner. With time, organizations can reduce overhead costs and have streamlined communication.

2. Chatbots

Chatbots are one of the best examples of using technology in digital marketing. Chatbots act as virtual assistants for consumers. For example, Amazon Alexa and Google Home are the leading chatbots on which you can play music, shop online, set alarms and reminders, and also listen to stories, all possible via voice. Once you give access to your data to the chatbot, they can come up with useful insights about your spending, behavior, travel, and preferences. Many companies are also using chatbots on the landing pages for customer services, which engage in human-like conversations to improve customer experience. The best thing about chatbots is that they improve after each conversation.

3. Personalized Product/Service Recommendations

E-Commerce has grown 4x in the last five years. Many retail and e-commerce brands are actively tracking customer preferences and buying behavior. Multiple data points and insights help marketers to position the product to the relevant consumer and achieve higher returns. This is the same reason when you search for shoes on Google, you can see various shoe advertisements across multiple channels and also give discounts to force you to make a purchase. The amalgamation of AI and digital marketing gives accurate results and enhances the overall user experience. No one indeed likes advertisements, but as long as the consumer is served with relevant ads, it can help you to increase sales. If you are not using AI to assess consumer needs, you might be showing machine engines to a toddler’s mom and waste the advertisement expenditure. All E-Commerce companies, including Amazon, Alibaba, and Flipkart, use AI-powered recommendations to provide personalized suggestions and increase their overall sales. There are various data points like buying history, items in the cart, geographical location, Wishlist, and more to understand the consumer psyche.

4. B2B Emails

Who said that email marketing is dead. In the B2B Arena, email marketing still flourishes and has high open rates. Personalization has become a must-have in digital marketing, and B2-B purchases are all about understanding the needs and preferences of the consumer. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning track and analyze customer behavior online and create personalized emails with their unique needs. Automating email enhances your digital marketing efforts and save time and money to attain excellent results.

5. Voice-based Search

Voice search is on the surge across the globe, and digital marketers have started to utilize these voice-based search engine to cater to consumer demands and compete with the existing players. Google reports that more than 70% of the voice searches are spoken in a casual manner, which requires artificial intelligence to learn various human languages as well as regional languages. Google has a machine learning tool called Rankbrain, which analyses the words customers are using in voice-based searches. People are engaging with brands and searching their queries through voice, which is a new tool for Digital marketers to utilize. It is a new market that is not that crowded compared to text-based search. This will also provide companies with the desired brand equity.

6. Integrating chatbots for omnichannel communication

As digital marketing grows, various social media channels will come and go. Digital Marketing requires the integration of a chatbot with the Omnichannel tools. The modern customer expects brands to be present on every social media across the web with the right context. To handle and manage all social media platforms, messaging applications, emails, direct communication, and more, it is an artificial intelligence-based tool to reach out to more consumers.

Way forward

Without any doubt, artificial intelligence has started to impact our lives and is the future of digital marketing. By using AI-led solutions, you can take your brand to a new level and serve modern consumer needs. Most of the audiences are now the millennials who take their own decisions and use technology to the fullest.

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